ECOSEQUESTRUST GAMA WASH sector prototype demonstration

The Ecological Sequestration Trust has been working in Ghana in partnership with The Cities Alliance as part of the Future Cities Africa Programme launched in early 2015, supported by the UK Government’s Department for International Development. The Programme supports African cities to anticipate and minimise future challenges in terms of climate, environment and natural resources, giving them the tools they need to undertake better planned, more participatory urban development.

Currently being built and tested, is an open-source, cloud-based, scalable city-regional software platform linked to earth systems models. It enables communities anywhere to gather earth observation, economic, social and environmental data in a crowd sourced manner and build a dynamic 3D systems visualization of their region, land and sea. A game-based version for schools will enable children to explore how resources and gases flow as a result of human and ecological activity in their neighborhood and what impact this has on their local health.