World Bank

World Bank description

City Resilience Program (CRP)

Supported by the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) and the World Bank Group, the City Resilience Program (CRP) was launched as an effort to assist city governments to build greater resilient cities with the financial and technical capacity to prepare for, mitigate, or prevent adverse impacts of disasters and climate change.

The Unbreakable Methodology for Calculating Socio-economic Resilience

This is a model to assess the socioeconomic resilience to natural disasters of an economy, defined as its capacity to mitigate the impact of disaster-related asset losses on welfare. Applied to riverine and storm surge floods, earthquakes, windstorms, and tsunamis in 117 countries, the model provides estimates of country-level socioeconomic resilience. Because hazards disproportionally affect poor people, each $1 of global natural disaster-related asset loss is equivalent to a $1.6 reduction in the affected country’s national income, on average.

Can Tho, Vietnam - Deployment of the CityStrength Diagnostic


With a population of 1.25 million, Can Tho is the largest city in the Mekong Delta and the fourth largest city in Vietnam.
Can Tho is dealing with chronic seasonal flooding, periodic flood disasters, riverbank erosion, saltwater intrusion, possible land subsidence, economic transition, and rapid urbanization. The city is also aware of challenges that lay on the horizon like sea level rise, a labor force that is unprepared for high-technology industry and an urban population that expects high-quality urban infrastructure and services from its government.
The CityStrength Diagnostic was conducted in Can Tho, Vietnam in June 2014 at the request of the city. A team of specialists from the World Bank Group worked with local officials, technical staff and other stakeholders to identify priorities for investment and appropriate areas for action to help build resilience in Can Tho.

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - Deployment of the CityStrength Diagnostic

Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa is the capital of Ethiopia, home to 25% of the country’s urban population (approximately 3.6 million) and is one of the fastest growing cities in Africa. The city is located in the central part of the country at an altitude of 2300 meters.
The primary shocks that Addis Ababa faces are floods, urban fires and earthquakes. At the same time, the city faces a multitude of stresses, many of which are directly related to its current level of development, including unprecedented urban growth, water scarcity, unemployment, and social vulnerability.
In February 2015, Addis Ababa invited a team of specialists from the World Bank Group to implement the CityStrength Diagnostic in close collaboration with local officials, technical staff and other key stakeholders. The CityStrength Diagnostic methodology facilitates a dialogue among stakeholders about risks in their city and the performance of urban systems. It helps identify priority actions and investments that will enhance the city’s resilience as well as increase the resilience-building potential of planned and aspirational projects.

CityStrength Diagnostic

The CityStrength Diagnostic was developed as a means of engaging with cities on the complex issue of resilience by using a holistic approach to identifying priority action and investments to strengthen urban systems. The methodology first evaluates resilience on a sectoral basis and then brings together the findings to think holistically about the city’s resilience. With this in mind, the CityStrength Diagnostic is structured around sectoral modules that cover topics within the city and metropolitan area purview. In addition, new modules can be created based on client’s demand.