1-6 months

Disaster Resilience Scorecard for Cities

United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction with the support of European Commission, IBM, AECOM and other partners and cities participating in the Making Cities Resilient Campaign have updated the Disaster Resilience Scorecard for Cities.

The Scorecard provides a set of assessments that will allow local governments to monitor and review progress and challenges in the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction: 2015-2030, and assess their disaster resilience. It is structured around UNISDR’s Ten Essentials for Making Cities Resilient.

ICLEI ACCCRN Process Workbook

The ICLEI ACCCRN Process (IAP) enables local governments to assess their climate risks in the context of urbanisation, poverty and vulnerability and formulate corresponding resilience strategies. It draws on the experiences from the ten core ACCCRN cities (see www.acccrn.org) and existing ICLEI approaches and has been applied in a range of cities in Indonesia, Bangladesh, the Philippines and India.

Resilience systems analysis framework

The OECD’s resilience systems analysis framework takes a systems approach, building on a shared understanding of both a wide range of risks and stresses and the multi-dimensional aspects of well-being. The approach has been developed to ensure that decision makers can operationalise plans to strengthen resilience in the system, and integrate these aspects into policies, strategies and development efforts at every layer of society to improve well-being and better cope with shocks and uncertainties.