City Resilience Scorecard

The Disaster Resilience Scorecard provides a mechanism to measure a city's progress in building resilience and allow the city to develop a prioritized list of actions to be taken to improve it. The scorecard is based upon the Making Cities Resilience Campaign's Ten Essentials: the assessments are structured in 10 sections and have been designed to add a level of detail to those Essentials, making them more specific and tangible. Different from the Local Government Self Assessment Tools (LG-SAT), it allows a numerical and visual assessment of the status of an area of activity to track progress, to provide a perspective on a city's total disaster resilience posture, while also identifying gaps in plans and provisions.

Partners Mapping: 
Types of Shock/Stress Mapping: 
Scale Mapping: 
Target User Mapping: 
Data Input Mapping: 
Timeline for Application Mapping: