
ICLEI ACCCRN Process Workbook

The ICLEI ACCCRN Process (IAP) enables local governments to assess their climate risks in the context of urbanisation, poverty and vulnerability and formulate corresponding resilience strategies. It draws on the experiences from the ten core ACCCRN cities (see www.acccrn.org) and existing ICLEI approaches and has been applied in a range of cities in Indonesia, Bangladesh, the Philippines and India.

Carbon Climate Registry

The carbonn© Climate Registry (cCR) was launched at the World Mayors Summit on Climate in Mexico City on 21 November 2010 under the name carbonn Climate Registry (cCCR), as the global response of local governments to measurable, reportable and verifiable (MRV) climate action. 

The cCR is a global mechanism developed for local governments by local governments. It enables them to publicly and regularly report their local climate action developments:

City Resilience Scorecard

The Disaster Resilience Scorecard provides a mechanism to measure a city's progress in building resilience and allow the city to develop a prioritized list of actions to be taken to improve it. The scorecard is based upon the Making Cities Resilience Campaign's Ten Essentials: the assessments are structured in 10 sections and have been designed to add a level of detail to those Essentials, making them more specific and tangible.

City Resilience Index

Building resilience in cities requires an understanding of both what contributes to resilience and how it can be measured.  To address this gap, Arup has developed the City Resilience Framework and the City Resilience Index with support from The Rockefeller Foundation. These tools provide cities with a comprehensive, accessible, technically robust and globally applicable basis for assessing and measuring resilience at a city scale.

